Friday, January 31, 2025

The Obligation to Remember

The world observed the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the, horrific concentration camps in Auschwitz-Birkenau. It was January 27, 1945, when the Red Army entered those death camps and finally ended that phase in arguably the greatest calamity to befall the Jewish People in over two thousand years. There were several backstories to the anniversary and commemoration this week. The most widely discussed story was the threat by Polish officials to have the Prime Minister of Israel arrested if he traveled to Poland for the event. The official stated reason for this absurdity was that the so-called International Criminal Court has indicted the PM for war crimes, and he is subject to arrest in any country that upholds the ICC ruling, the dubious charges notwithstanding. The aspect of the event that caught my attention was another element that I believe is not sufficiently discussed. 56 Holocaust survivors traveled to attend the ceremonies in Poland. Five years ago, at the seventy-fifth anniversary, over two hundred survivors participated in the event. The uncomfortable truth that is staring us in the face is that we are rapidly approaching the day in which we will inhabit a world with NO LIVING HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS LEFT. Let that sink in. The youngest members of the Auschwitz survivors are approaching 90 years old, and many participants from Monday believe the 80th anniversary would be the last one with a notable number of survivors in attendance. There cannot be any substitute for seeing a living and breathing survivor who was physically present in those terrible times to share their memories. A few years ago, here in Jacksonville, when our shul had the privilege of hosting the community-wide Yom Hashoah program, we struggled to find six living survivors who were well enough to attend the event and light the six large memorial candles. The Torah teaches us that we have an obligation of Zachor. This mitzvah is to remember what the evil Amaleik or any of its biological or ideological descendants did to the Jewish People. I have wondered why having a mitzvah is necessary for such a basic attitude of remembering evil. In recent years, I have come to understand that as time goes on, the Mitzvah of Zachor might not seem so obvious. A political party in Germany is currently campaigning "to move beyond the guilt from the past." Ironically, that is in Germany, which has turned out to be one of the world's strongest supporters of Israel since October 7. For most of the rest of the world, the events of October 7, the greatest massacre of the Jews, have reminded us that the evils of Jew hatred are not yet in the rearview mirror of history. With the day of no living Holocaust survivors just around the corner, the obligation and responsibility of Zachor becomes even stronger. Have a Peaceful Shabbos, Rabbi Yaakov Fisch

Friday, January 24, 2025

Presidential Inauguration

Much of the country was fixated this week on the Presidential Inauguration. Regardless of anyone's political leanings, this event is important and something to be grateful for. Witnessing the peaceful transfer of power is a privilege that much of the world does not have, and we should not take that for granted. As President Trump takes office for another four years, we offer our steadfast prayers that he and his administration successfully bring peace and prosperity to America and the world. As Jewish Americans, we are particularly concerned about the plight of the hostages who were abducted in Israel and are hopeful that the new administration will continue its advocacy and efforts in bringing all the remaining hostages home in a way that does not jeopardize the security interests of Israel. Rabbi Ari Berman, the President of Yeshiva University, delivered eloquent remarks as an invocation at the Presidential Inauguration. He said, "Prophet Jeremiah walked the streets of Jerusalem and blessed its inhabitants with the words: 'Blessed is the one who trusts in G-d.' Thousands of years later, this great nation which adopted these words as its motto: 'In G-d we trust,' stands at a moment of historic opportunity. Our merciful Father, help us rise to meet this moment. Bless President Donald J. Trump and Vice President JD Vance with the strength and courage to choose the right and good. Unite us around our foundational biblical values of life and liberty, service and sacrifice, and especially of faith and morality. He added: "Guide our schools and college campuses, which have been experiencing such unrest, to inspire the next generation to pair progress with purpose, knowledge with wisdom, and truth with virtue." Rabbi Berman also prayed for the wellbeing and return of the hostages who are being held by Hamas: "Hear the cry of the hostages, both American and Israeli, whose pain our President so acutely feels. We are so thankful for the three young women who yesterday returned home. And pray that the next four years bring peace to Israel and throughout the Middle East." As much as there is optimism with the incoming administration, a passage from the liturgy on the High Holidays comes to mind now. The passage of “הממליך מלכים ולו המלובה.” This is translated as "He who anoints Kings but retains the Kingdom." G-d empowers specific individuals to become Kings, Presidents, and Prime Ministers, but ultimately, He is the one who raises the fallen and humbles the mighty. Presidents come and go every few years, and our ultimate allegiance is to the Eternal One, who appoints mere mortals to a few fleeting moments of power in this temporary world. Have a Peaceful Shabbos, Rabbi Yaakov Fisch

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Mixed Emotions

Certain moments in life call for us to hold multiple emotions simultaneously. In reality, there is not any day that is entirely perfect or completely painful. Joyous days may have some stressful moments, and sad ones may have happy moments. There are those moments in life that elicit intense joy and intense sadness at the same time. I feel that we, collectively, as the Jewish People, are currently experiencing those contradictory reactions. As the hostage deal is expected to start within the next few days, there is intense joy in knowing that the hostages will be reunited with their families. It is unimaginable to contemplate the horrific suffering that the hostages have been experiencing for the last 15 months. At the same time, it is with intense sadness to witness thousands of terrorists being released, including hundreds who have murdered innocent civilians. It is not a stretch of the imagination to contemplate them returning to their violent behaviors. Many are decrying this deal as a surrender to terror and a severe liability for the future security interests of Israel. Additionally, this deal appears to leave many hostages behind for an unknown and unconfirmed second phase. Many are celebrating the impending return of the hostages from the hell that they have experienced in Gaza. I have heard many conversations about whether this is a good or terrible deal. I am not even sure I am qualified to have an opinion on such a delicate and sensitive issue. The statement, "What would you do if it was your kids in Gaza," rings in my ears and gives me no rest. I have long been troubled by the words of our Rabbis who stated in the Tractate of Gittin, "that one may not redeem captives for more they are worth, because of Tikkun Olam." The Talmud explains that it is because that will incentivize bandits and terrorists to keep on abducting Jews as they know we will never leave anyone behind. The troubling part of that statement is how anyone can assess "more than they worth" as who can put a value on human life and, let alone many human lives. Nonetheless, this statement has caused some controversial outcomes over history, with emotions running high on all sides. As much as everyone wants to see the hostages back safely, it is beyond painful to have murdering terrorists freed and starting to plan their next vicious act of terror. From all the different perspectives and commentary I have read, the comments of David Friedman, former American Ambassador to Israel, resonated most with me. Friedman said, "I respect different points of view. What I respect far less is the certainty among some well-meaning folks that this is a huge mistake," he said. "It may turn out to be a mistake, it may turn out to be exactly the right move. But, either way, let's approach this with the humility, analysis, respect, and compassion that such an extraordinarily difficult problem requires." That was well said, Ambassador Friedman. In the meantime, let us continue to pray for divine handholding in these perilous times. Wishing you a Peaceful Shabbos, Rabbi Yaakov Fisch

Friday, January 10, 2025

Just Do It

The beginning of the secular New Year is an opportunity for people to undertake resolutions or commitments. It can be an overwhelming endeavor, as we might not know where to begin the process. There are so many areas where one can improve, and just contemplating bringing positive change is daunting. As always, profound lessons from the Torah are insightful on this topic. In a somewhat bizarre incident, Yosef brings his two sons, Menashe and Ephraim, to his ailing father's bedside for a final parting and for the two young grandchildren to get a blessing from their sage grandfather. Yaakov stuns Yosef when he places his right hand on the second brother, Ephraim, and his left hand on the firstborn son, Menashe. This is met with resistance from Yosef, who not so gently reminds his elderly father that Menashe is the firstborn and thus deserves the right hand placed on him. (This is somewhat ironic considering that Yosef, who was not the firstborn, was considered the preferred son, and now he is taking offense that his firstborn son was not receiving his due honor). What was it about Yaakov's insistence that Ephraim was the recipient of the preferred bracha? Not only that, but Yaakov designated the gold standard of blessings as "May G-d make you like Ephraim and Menashe."Why was it so important that Ephraim precedes Menashe? The Nesivos Shalom writes based on a famous verse in Tehillim/Psalms: סור מרע ועשה טוב /Desist from Evil and Perform Good. This is the formula that King David taught us toward the path of character development and improvement. First and foremost, it is important to desist from wrongdoing and only then to engage in mitzvah or good deeds. The only problem with that approach is that a person can always be busy with desisting wrongdoing and never get to perform one mitzvah or good deed -- for who can actually say that I have no baggage left in the closet and now I am free to pursue mitzvahs and good deeds? One of the best ways to desist from wrongdoing is just to do a mitzvah or good deed. This is illustrated by Menashe and Ephraim's story. In Parshas Mikeitz, the reason why Yosef named his two sons Menashe and Ephraim is stated. His first son was named Menashe for, as he put it, " God has made me forget the toil." In essence, that is the value of desist from wrongdoing. His second son was named Ephraim for as he put it "G-d made me fruitful in the land of my affliction". In essence, this is the value of Asei Tov /Doing a Mitzvah or good deed. That was Yaakov's deeper message in designating his two grandsons. Although in an ideal world, it is important to first get away from wrongdoing, it is imperative that one just perform a mitzvah or a good deed as activation energy. Sometimes, it is precisely one small positive action that can be a catalyst for much greater things to come. Have a Peaceful Shabbos, Rabbi Yaakov Fisch

Friday, January 3, 2025

Finding Light in the Darkness

It is not as easy to make the journey to Israel from America these days. As most airlines have stopped flying to and from Israel because of the war, one has to undertake a degree of creativity in planning an itinerary. I flew from Jacksonville to Miami to Dubai to Tel Aviv to arrive for my grandson's Bris in Jerusalem. It was a whirlwind, and I could not be more grateful to be in the Capital of our ancestral homeland to observe how this young infant, representing the newest link in the chain of thousands of years of Jewish tradition, would enter the eternal covenant. As I began the journey back to my current residence in Jacksonville, I found myself at the Dubai International Airport for an extended layover on the first night of Chanukah. I had packed candles in my carry-on and was on a mission to find a place to light the Chanukah candles. I did not pack a lighter or matches as I did not want to cause an international incident by having that contraband in my possession. My initial plan was to go to the Duty-Free, buy a carton of cigarettes, and ask them to throw in a lighter. I have never bought a pack of cigarettes in my life, but if this gave me a lighter to be used for lighting the candles, I would break my nearly five-decade tradition of not owning cigarettes. After learning that the Duty-Free did not have any lighters or matches to distribute with cigarettes, I needed to resort to Plan B. I discovered Plan B when I walked by the smoker's lounge and saw people smoking. I braved the cloud of smoke in the lounge and asked someone if I could use his lighter, and he graciously gave me his lighter. I took out my candles and set them up in the smoker's lounge. I stood up and recited the blessings before lighting the first candle for Chanukah. The person in charge of the lounge asked me what I was doing, and in a matter of fact manner, I responded that I was lighting Chanukah candles. He wished me a Happy Chanukah and even offered to get me a beverage of choice! I stayed there until the candles went out, and I reflected on the most interesting turn of events. In a larger sense, I was really taking the message of Chanukah to a new level. A primary message of Chanukah is to bring the light into an increasingly dark world. The world is dark and cold in many ways, and we become increasingly anxious and frustrated with the onset of more news reflecting pain and suffering. While we cannot do everything to eliminate the darkness, we are empowered to light a candle. Lighting a candle or lamp during Chanukah represents the larger message of bringing the light of G-d into our mundane lives. Every time we undertake a Mitzvah we are essentially continuing to bring this light into the darkness. While we can question what our efforts of lighting these candles can accomplish, I am reminded of the saying, "There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of even one small candle.” That lesson was reinforced to me this year at Dubai International Airport. Have a Peaceful Shabbos, Rabbi Yaakov Fisch

Donor Fatigue

As the Jewish Community grows locally and worldwide, it needs more funding to support a robust infrastructure for all the resources in our K...